know, I know, going to church doesn’t make you a Christian anymore than going into a
garage makes you a car. But if you have
even the slightest desire to have a more rewarding life in Christ you must
attend church regularly. Now I’m not saying you have to be there every time the
doors are unlocked and stay until the last deacon runs you out, but you do need
to attend regularly. At least a couple
times a week if your church offers it, if not find one that does, or attend two
churches. What if I told you that you could only eat once a week, I think you’d
fight me for it. So what makes you think being fed spiritually only once a
week, or twice a month is any better for you?
attendance is Biblical and is for the edifying and strengthening of the body,
just as food is to the fleshly body. We need to be fed the word of God on a
regular diet for our spiritual body.
Church attendance also helps our walk stay on that narrow road by
surrounding us with Godly people.
about it this way, we are like those red hot coals in the fire pit. As long as
we all stay together, we all stay hot. But take one out and set it aside and it
will remain red hot for a while, but
then as time goes on it will fade and start to cool until it goes luke warm, then cold. But pick that coal up
and place it in the group of red hot coals and you will find in no time, its
red hot and on fire once
again. That’s the importance of church
tells us in 1 Corinthians; bad company corrupts good character. The
Bible also warns us not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. So church
attendance gets us around the right people, most of the time. Remember however,
only sinners go to church, and all are on their
journey to righteousness, so yoke up with those who are well on their
way .
don’t say you should not have any friends outside of the Christian faith. If we
separate ourselves completely, then we cannot be the salt and the light for the
world. But having the people you spend the most time with be like minded and of like faith, you will find
it much easier to live a Godly life. Plus you should have a Christian
accountability partner to help you on your journey.
a Bible based church if you are not already attending one and become involved.
Your life will be richly blessed as you bless others and grow in your faith.