In part two of my series, Self Made Spirituality, I’m going to explore the sometimes controversial topic of regular church attendance. Believe me, I’ve heard all the reasons why a Christian doesn’t need to attend church regularly, I’ve even used many of these same reasons in the past. We are going look at some of these excuses and see what the Bible has to say about the topic.
I place this as part of the, Self Made Spirituality series because it is another example of how people today are making up the rules as they go along, where Christian values and Biblical principles are concerned. The Bible has strong things to say about church and church attendance. We can either choose to ignore what it says, or be obedient to it. If we make up reasons that justify our actions, thus seeming to bring us out of conviction, then we are guilty of self made spirituality.
The best place to start any discussion like this one is to see what God has said about it, through Biblical principles and examples. God has always provided a place to meet with him. The Old Testament gave us the Tabernacle in the wilderness, then the Temple and today the New Testament Church.
Hebrew 10:24-26 tells us not to forsake the coming together as believers to exhort one another.
The church and regular church attendance is important in a Christian’s life. First and foremost it is an expression of our Love for God. It amazes me how a person can say they Love God and have a relationship with Him and yet don’t attend church regularly where they can have corporate worship and strengthening. This is simply an act of obedience to God..
Second, church builds our spiritual strength. Hearing regular preaching and teaching from a Bible teaching church builds our faith and our walk with Christ. Every Christian knows what it’s like to face spiritual conflicts in their faith, this is why it is so important to be fed spiritually on a regularly basis.
Church attendance provides fellowship with other Christians. This is important because you cannot love God if you do not love fellow Christians. Plus, God gives us a promise that where two or three gather in His name there He will be also. This invites the Holy Spirit into our worship and provides for things to take place in believer’s hearts that may not have been afforded otherwise.
Don’t be fooled by the thoughts, ideas, and suggestions that Satan puts into your mind. You cannot have a good relationship with Christ if you refuse to learn, worship, and gather with other Christians. Being out of church opens your mind to Satan’s wiggling in.
Now, for those people that cannot attend church regularly due to health or logistical reasons, God knows your heart. But for those who chose not to attend church regularly so as to attend self gratifying activities, God knows your heart too, you’re putting things and activities ( the Bible calls these gods and idles) before God.
God does not say that you must be in church every time the doors are unlocked, or out of an obligation to family or the Pastor. He does however, required faithful and regular church attendance from an obedient heart.
The absence of an obedient heart is a failure in your Christian walk. I know, I’ve lived that life. Yes you can love God, yes you can have a prayer life, yes you can believe, and not attend church regularly. However, the question is, can you for very long? And at what cost to your faith and Christian walk? A good example I heard one time said this, Church attendance with other Christians is like a pile of red hot coals, remove one and set it to the side and it’s still red hot. However, after a while it starts to cool and then goes cold. But place it back into the pile and its red hot again in no time..
If you’re not attending Church regularly, take inventory of your life. Line your life up with Christian beliefs and values. You might be surprised at what other areas are not in line with the Bible. Luke warm is a bad place to be when standing before God and someday we will all stand before God…
My prayer is that God will strengthen each of us so that we will have a better understanding of His love and desire for our lives while here on earth….