Friday, June 29, 2012

Children addicted to porn; Yes even your child......

So let’s talk for a few minutes about childhood pornography addiction. What it is, how it can start and what the damage can be ?  Most of those questions seem obvious I guess, but they really aren’t. They can be as varied and the children themselves.  I heard an interview the other day, I do not remember with who, but he was stating that  one in four girls are sexually violated in some way as a child, but surprising to me, 1 in 9 boys are. This can include everything from just being watched in the shower to an all out physical abuse. But anywhere in between can have an effect on the mental development of that child.

12 year old porn addict:

So where does the porn addiction come in. I’m speaking from experience here. Porn addiction in children is caused when the child is introduced to some form of sexual experience or arousal before they are mature enough to mentally process it. When this occurs the mind will naturally gravitate toward  sexual thoughts. I was introduced, by accident at first, when I was twelve by an older boy that I caught in the act of self stimulation. (I cover this in my book  Unrighteous available on amazon.)  Not really knowing what I was seeing, I was still naturally aroused, that’s how God made us. But the downfall was I did not feel that I had an open enough relationship with my parents to ask them about it, so I wondered. I found porn one day along the road by our house and addiction was immediate.

Cause and  affect:

God made us as sexual beings, but for a purpose and for our spouse. However, our  body parts still work regardless of who or what is trying to start the engine if you will.  I have read case studies and have worked with some investigations where children as young as  six years old were addicted to porn and sexually active to some degree. The cause? Abuse of course. Someone started the engine before the car was fully  build and it took off from there.

So what is the outcome of early  childhood porn addiction. As you can imagine the list includes:

Ø  Early loss of virginity
Ø  Adolescent and teen pregnancy
Ø  Sexual diseases
Ø  Low self image and embarrassment  
Ø  Relationship issues as adults
Ø  Commitment issues
Ø  Sexual fear and insecurity  with a spouse

And the lists goes on and on.  The issue is not getting any better, in fact, it’s getting worse. Our society is more tolerant of sexual activity today than ever before and children have greater access to pornographic material today via internet through computer and smart phones. Without parental involvement and open lines of communication, children will continue to drown in guilt and lust as they damage a healthy sexual experience later in life.

The Question to you:

So I leave you with this question: What experience have you had with childhood pornography addiction. ?  Please leave a comment and let us know…


Anonymous said...

Porn is so prevalent today, as you mentioned in your article. Porn is easily obtainable via the internet, cell phones, television, etc. In 1979 there was a local movie theater in the center of town, which showed double features of "XXX" rated movies. One day, my friend invited me to a show. I was 15 and his father was taking three of us boys to see a "porn-flick." I had reservations, because I was raised in a Christian home, but I didn't want to disappoint my friends, so I agreed.

This experience led me to become very sexually active and within a year, I was a father.

They have long since closed the theater, but this one experience caused repercussions, which has lasted into my adulthood.

Unknown said...


Thank you for your comment. I agree that porn is more easily gotten to today than ever before. I understand completely the topic of early father hood. I too was a young father and subsequent husband. Being rasied Christian does not mean we will not fall into that trap, but it does mean that we know how to get out, even though I agree that it is a life long process to stay loosed from the snare...

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I understand even more now that I am not alone in this struggle from the childhood porn trap. I too can relate to both the first anonymous comment as well as the author.

I look forward to hearing from more people on this topic.