“ When you remain angry and bitter at someone, you give them power and control over your life. They will continue on with their lives, while you obsess over what was done to you, how to get revenge on that person, and how to keep it from happening again. When you let go of that anger, their hold over you is released and you are free from them. Holding onto anger does not hurt the person you are angered at, but it hurts you. You’ll lose control over your own actions and good judgment.
Is it easy to rid yourself of anger and bitterness? No. It takes time and much meditation, but eventually, just as the sun will rise each day, the anger will be washed away. Shield yourself and learn to recognize future things that anger you and be quick to deflect the anger so that it cannot penetrate your heart again. Only then can you have complete control over yourself.”
That was very well said. If you are harboring anger toward someone make the conscious choice to release that anger. Jesus spoke many times on anger and forgiveness, in fact he spoke those very words on the cross. The Bible is clear that as humans we may at times become angry, it is a human emotion that is God given. The choice, “free will”, that we then have is whether we are going to have righteous anger or worldly. Then whether or not we are going to release that anger and move on.
Jesus taught us to forgive when we are wronged. That is more for our healing than for the other person. But, keep in mind that you are not required to continue being hurt by that person. Forgive them, let them know that you forgive them, and then move on. Don’t keep putting yourself in a position to be hurt by that person.
Matthew 6:14-15 says this. For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their trespassing, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
During this Holiday season we will all be getting together with family, some of which we would just as soon not be around. Family has a way of hurting each other and then we just keep it going. I encourage you that if you have a family member that you need to forgive, do it this Holiday. If not for them, then for you, release the anger and start healing.