Thursday, January 21, 2010

Who's Watching You ?

James 1:22 tells us, Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourself, do what it says. So who sees your behavior as a Christian? First, God. Who else ? Other Christians. Christians encourage one another not only by words, but by our actions. We as Christians want to see how others in Christ will react to similar situations, and so your actions become either a help or a hindrance. Our children are watching. Children know better than anyone whether your living your Christian walk. They can spot hypocritical parents within seconds…

An unbelieving world is watching too. The “world” does not care about our theology or denominations. Unbelievers want to see what faith in action really looks like, not what we say and what they have heard hundreds of times. What does it look like ? Who are you outside the church doors? If you claim Christianity, what example are you giving ?

I have heard many times from non Christians, that Christians are hypocrites and act like they are better than everyone else. They say many are so “Holy” they look down their noses at those they see as “less holy” .

Remember that the definition of a Christian is to be Christ like. The Bible tells us in Mark 10:45, that Jesus came into this world to serve, not to be served. So humble yourselves and remember that you are a living witness of Jesus Christ. The world is watching and you are the example.. Do you let Christian values guide your daily life in business, family, and everyday lifestyle ?

My challenge to you, as to myself, is to love everyone. You can hate the sin but love the person. Also remember that as a Christian you are the example. How would you feel if you knew that someone that was looking for a life changing answer was seeking Jesus and you looked down on them and brushed them off, or they watched as you was less than honest in a business deal or purchase, and because of your actions they turned away from Jesus. You will have to explain that to God someday. Let’s hope we have a good enough answer…

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