Sunday, January 31, 2010

Showing Christian Love

I sat in Sunday School this morning and was amazed at the lesson. The teacher, Joyce Corbett, taught on Christian love as written about in Romans 12. I was in awe at the simplicity of the lesson and how profound the message. It opened my eyes again to the need for Christians to Love each other.

Not just in word but in action. I first discovered this kind of Love last year when I was going through a pretty hard time in my life and I reached out to a friend from Church. At that time that’s all he was, a friend from Church. I knew little about this man’s background, only what he had shared. But his younger life resembled mine in a lot of ways, and although this man is younger than me, and has not claimed to be a Christian as long as me, God put him in place to be my confidant and friend when I needed him the most.

He has proven to be a trusted friend and a Godly man. I will, without hesitation, say that this man, in many ways, saved my life. He has no idea, until know, just how much he did for me during that time. His strength, Godly wisdom, and Christian love was everything God needed to direct me in the direction I needed to go. I could talk with him about what was wrong and the struggles that I was going through and he never judged and he never told. To this day he has never wavered as my friend, no matter how much I unloaded on him. He has remained a trusted friend.

It’s this kind of Christian love that we all need in our lives. Everyone of us need to be that person for someone and to have that person in our lives. Us men are the worst at having a “meaningful” relationship with another man. We too often see it as weak and not the “manly” thing to do, but that’s exactly what God wants us to do. Us men have the same struggles and the same problems, you are not unique. Having a Godly friend that can share in that struggle and will hold you accountable is one of the biggest blessings you will ever have.

God uses people in our lives to answer our prayers. We just too often shut out the answer and the blessing that God has for us because we are too scared to open our true feelings to someone else.. From the other side I challenge every reader to be that friend to someone. Show Christian ( Christ Like) love to everyone around you. Be known as the person that can be trusted and can listen without judgment. You just might be a bigger blessing to someone than you could ever imagine.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Are you a pessimistic Christian

Human beings tend to be caught in one of two cycles. A downward cycle of disappointment, or an upward cycle of blessing. We as humans are many times very pessimistic. We see the glass half empty. We often times focus more on our unmet needs than the goodness of God. We are a blessed people and although life is a struggle and obstacles arise, we are blessed.

Deep rooted and habitual pessimism is, after all, a spiritual problem. When we focus only on our needs we lose focus on God and the blessings that we have and are unprepared to receive more. Negative and the “woe is me” attitude will cause you to miss many of God’s blessings.

There is a profound blessing in knowing who God is and claiming His presence in your life. His greatness makes all other things, especially hard things, seem small. Be in a spirit of worship even in the hard times.

I am not immune to hard times and struggles. I have had many “dark” days in my life. As many of us, I have seen financial struggles beyond what I could ever take care of myself, family trials, marital trials and job trials. But through it all I have grown. I have grown to a point in God that I let him deal with it. Does that mean I never worry, of course not, but I worry a whole lot less and look for the blessing in the struggle, not focus on the struggle.

In Acts 16:25 it tells the story of Paul and Silas. They were in chains and in prison for their faith. They had a lot to worry about. But, in the midnight hour they started signing and praising God. The building shook and all doors were open and chains came off. And not just for Paul and Silas, but for everyone around them too.

Can you praise God in your midnight hour ? My challenge to you as well as to myself is to be careful to praise God, even in your darkest “midnight” hour. It’s not always easy, Satan wants you to look at the bad and not focus on the good. But you must look to God and find the blessing. List all the blessings in your life. God is a good God and His people are not immune to struggles, they will however, overcome.

I will leave you with this thought; 1 Thessalonians 5:16 Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstance, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus…

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Who's Watching You ?

James 1:22 tells us, Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourself, do what it says. So who sees your behavior as a Christian? First, God. Who else ? Other Christians. Christians encourage one another not only by words, but by our actions. We as Christians want to see how others in Christ will react to similar situations, and so your actions become either a help or a hindrance. Our children are watching. Children know better than anyone whether your living your Christian walk. They can spot hypocritical parents within seconds…

An unbelieving world is watching too. The “world” does not care about our theology or denominations. Unbelievers want to see what faith in action really looks like, not what we say and what they have heard hundreds of times. What does it look like ? Who are you outside the church doors? If you claim Christianity, what example are you giving ?

I have heard many times from non Christians, that Christians are hypocrites and act like they are better than everyone else. They say many are so “Holy” they look down their noses at those they see as “less holy” .

Remember that the definition of a Christian is to be Christ like. The Bible tells us in Mark 10:45, that Jesus came into this world to serve, not to be served. So humble yourselves and remember that you are a living witness of Jesus Christ. The world is watching and you are the example.. Do you let Christian values guide your daily life in business, family, and everyday lifestyle ?

My challenge to you, as to myself, is to love everyone. You can hate the sin but love the person. Also remember that as a Christian you are the example. How would you feel if you knew that someone that was looking for a life changing answer was seeking Jesus and you looked down on them and brushed them off, or they watched as you was less than honest in a business deal or purchase, and because of your actions they turned away from Jesus. You will have to explain that to God someday. Let’s hope we have a good enough answer…

Saturday, January 16, 2010

A godly life is not lived passively

Living a godly life is not lived passively. It is not a random and wandering life. Those who wait for God’s Word to change them will only be successful when they actively feed and meditate on it. Those who expect sermons they hear and the words they read to make them godly will be forever frustrated unless they are diligent in applying the truth to their lives.

Just sitting in a pew week after week will not do anything radical in a believer’s heart or life. Wisdom and knowledge can not be gained through absorption. It must be consumed and mediated upon. It must become the focal point of our thinking…

Those who hear the word and understand it, and even agree with it, but do not apply it to their lives are gaining no benefit. It isn’t real faith in Jesus Christ.. Hearing, understanding, and agreeing without application is a self-deceptive dynamic. It appears to be faith, but it has no effect in the life of the one who hears. Something more is needed, action for example. God and God’s Word must be treasured more than any other affection of our heart.

Where does your true affection lie? Are you like the passage in James 1:22-25. Do you hear the Word and go away not remembering what you’ve heard. It’s like looking at yourself in the mirror and then looking away forgetting what you look like.

God’s Words should be consumed every day and should be meditated upon all day.. Do you know how to worry about something? It’s on your mind all the time. You turn it over in your head every way you can, thinking of how every outcome will effect you and the situation. If you can worry, you can meditate on God’s word. Read a passage every morning. Then remember that passage throughout the day and learn how it can be applied to your life. Look for ways to remember what you’ve read and ask God to show you how it applies. It amazes me sometimes how something that I have read a dozen times may not mean anything that day , but the one time a read it again it applies then.

I challenge you to apply God’s Word to your life. Become a doer of the Word not just a hearer. Let God’s Word change your life and as written in Romans 12.. Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind..