Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year; Resolve not Resolutions

As our New Year has gotten under way I wanted to speak for just a moment on the old practice of New Year Resolutions.  You know the ones, we are going to lose 20 pounds, spend more time with family, pay off that credit card once and for all.  But in most cases we have all but forgotten our plans by March.

It’s an industry fact that gyms and sports clubs make a large percentage of their membership income in the first two months of the year and then by summer are not spending any  extra money on staff because the majority of the new members have never shown back up.

I suggest that rather than making resolutions, that we make resolve.  Make a commitment.  In the book of Philippians, Paul tells us that he is pushing toward the goals ahead.  That is what I mean. Push toward your goals. The best way to accomplish this is to set your plans in God’s will and for His glory.

Let me give you an example. If you want to lose that next 20 pounds, make a commitment to God to lose the weight for a God honoring purpose and for His glory through testimony.   Paying off your credit card will make you a better steward of your money so that you will have more for missions and work in the local church.

You see, making a resolve to do something is setting your mind on that idea with purpose and stubborn to the cause. Further, making the commitment to God is binding and is a strong motivator.  I don’t want to purposely lie to God, do you?

Finally find an accountability partner. Someone you trust   that you will agree can hold you to your goal. It is always better to put someone over you in reaching for your goals. 

Finally,  pray. In everything you do, pray. If you will pray and let God lead your path you will accomplish great things. Remember that in all you do, do it for the glory and honor of the Lord. Anything else is just selfish ambition

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