Thursday, July 12, 2012

10 Critical Points of Productive Leadership

One important aspect of finding happiness is to be productive. However, it is not just happiness that is desired; but to be fruitful, to matter, to make a difference, and to find meaning in productivity. Leaders are productive people, by their very nature a good leader is  and must be productive. Productivity always comes first, but remember, productivity is part of the journey as well as the final destination.


1. Productive people accept the pressures of chronic discontent.

Productive people are willing to be somewhat chronically dissatisfied. In a productive ministry, business, or charity,  one continually feels the pressure of not   doing enough or   getting  it exactly right.  In life,  it is much easier to lower ones standards and to settle for lower levels of productivity. But in a situation where someone is happy with the way things are, nothing is likely to change. For leaders to be visionaries they must be discontent with where they are in order to desire going somewhere else. Discontentment  is based on a comparison of what an individual’s life is at any point in time as it relates to the vision that God has given him.

2. Productive people have specific visions and goals.

Many people have visions and goals, but productive people have very specific and defined visions broke down into specific steps, behaviors, and goals  so that their work accomplishes their vision.

Vision generates productivity when two things happen.
·        First;  When they are made specific
·        Second; When they are connected to action 

3. Productive people fast before feasting

Here is a concept that is lost on the world.  Delayed gratification is a lost art these days. The idea of work first and celebrate or reward second, does not happen very often. But productive people know how to  have delayed gratification. This is a Biblical principal, it simply means that one has to work hard and be productive for now, and maybe do some things he really does not want to do, to see the bigger reward later.

·      There is no achievement in the ministry or business that occurs without pain. This means hard work, sacrifice, deprivation – things one would like to avoid.

4. Productive people tell themselves good news

They understand the Biblical   value of a positive thought life

“Whatever things are true, whatever things a noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report…..think on these things..   Philippians 4:8

Proverbs says;   As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.

Now I’m not saying you should lie to yourself; if you fail at something, get bad news, or something just didn’t work out,  recognize it for what it was and move on. But don’t dwell on the bad, move past it quickly…

5. Productive people hold themselves accountable.

Productive leaders take responsibility for results and outcomes. They understand that what they do makes a difference. Non-Productive leaders  seem to see everything as being in God’s hands and suggest that, if it’s God’s will it will turn out right, if it’s not God’s will then it won’t. They leave it all to God. That is just another way of avoiding accountability and responsibility for their part of the equation.

God is Sovereign, but He expects you to do your part as He has given you the authority. Productive people hold themselves responsible for everything leading to the moment when God takes over and , by His Holy Spirit, achieves the results. 

6. Productive people ignore unfair criticism

This is HUGE. To be a productive leader, do not wear your feelings on your sleeve. You are going to get darts shot at you when you’re on top because you make an easy target, expect criticism and ignore it.  When you pursue the vision that God has given you, you will most likely rub some people the wrong way.

Remember, there is a strong principal both in Scripture and psychology that productive people frequently cut against the grain of less productive people. Their dreams are beyond the dreams of normal people, their self confidence will be mis-understood, and their discontent will be unsettling. So they draw criticism.

 7. Productive people keep a tight focus..

Productive leaders are not easily distracted from the basic core of their work. The ability of a man or woman to get a single minded, godly purpose generates tremendous power. Highly effective leaders understand that they cannot do everything, so they focus on the basic theme or core of God’s work in their lives, and delegate the rest. Highly effective people are many times described as obsessive.

8. Productive people find and join a conspiracy of mutual support

I like to call this Master Mind Groups.
·        Find like minded people that you admire and look up to
·        People you want to learn from
·        Start a group that meets regularly to discuss topics 

Develop a mastermind group of about 5 people other than yourself. The first one may be hard to find, but keep trying. Find positive upbeat people that will keep you and everyone else uplifted. The last thing you want is someone that  dumps a load of trash on you all the time.

Leaders and ministers need to find and be around people who will believe in them and team with them in a mutual conspiracy for good works.

Know This:  If you want to know where you will be five years from now, look at the people you hang around with the most. The influence of their lives will bring you up or down.

9. Productive people don’t sweat the small stuff

This is another way of saying, keep the big stuff in mind.  It does not mean ignore the details, it means to keep clearly in mind what it is your working toward. Productive people are able to keep the big picture in mind of what they are doing for God, while at the same time not be carried off by the grand design and lose focus. It’s like the saying, you can’t see the forest for the trees.   Get a handle on the small things, delegate them, or forget them. But manage them correctly and keep on track toward the main goal.

10. Productive People take time to recharge the battery, get some rest, and enjoy the trip

God does not want the leader’s life to be all drudgery, all obsessive focus, all work. God engineered man to need rest, to relax, and to have recreation. No job on the “to do list” is so important that God wants you to neglect your family. You must find balance in your life.   Good time management skills and sitting priorities are vital.  Yes the mission is important, but  not at the cost of your health or the health of your family unit.

QUESTION:  What experience have you had with productivity issues and how have you overcome them ?  Leave us a comment so that others can be involved..

Copy Right 2012 Darren Dake and Darren Dake Ministries 

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Leave Familiar and Lead to Greatness

Are you tired of the familiar ? Are you convinced that you were created for more, or at least sure hope you were ?  In this great book written by Bruce Wilkinson, Dream Giver, takes us on a journey through parable of a little man named Ordinary as he leaves his old boring life and sets out on an adventure to find what he was created for.

Dream Giver is a book that relates to all of us looking for more. How many times in your life have you thought, there must be more than this to my life ?  You have big dreams and goals, or should I say, you had big dreams and goals. Somewhere along the way you were domesticated, broken, and all your fire and ambition left you. That’s not where God wants you. He created you and all of us for greatness.

Take a day and just reflect on your life and recall those great ambitions  you once had. It’s not too late to find that fire again.  All it takes is a decision by you to fight for it.

Pick up a copy of this great little book and rekindle that spark.  I have not in any way been asked to endorse this book, nor am I financially tied to its sale in any way. I have simply read the book and have added it to my library and you should too.

Stop living in your land of familiar and set out on your adventure  with the Dream Giver to find your big dream. It’s never too late to start again..


Have you read this book ? If so please give your review so that we can share in your insight.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Children addicted to porn; Yes even your child......

So let’s talk for a few minutes about childhood pornography addiction. What it is, how it can start and what the damage can be ?  Most of those questions seem obvious I guess, but they really aren’t. They can be as varied and the children themselves.  I heard an interview the other day, I do not remember with who, but he was stating that  one in four girls are sexually violated in some way as a child, but surprising to me, 1 in 9 boys are. This can include everything from just being watched in the shower to an all out physical abuse. But anywhere in between can have an effect on the mental development of that child.

12 year old porn addict:

So where does the porn addiction come in. I’m speaking from experience here. Porn addiction in children is caused when the child is introduced to some form of sexual experience or arousal before they are mature enough to mentally process it. When this occurs the mind will naturally gravitate toward  sexual thoughts. I was introduced, by accident at first, when I was twelve by an older boy that I caught in the act of self stimulation. (I cover this in my book  Unrighteous available on amazon.)  Not really knowing what I was seeing, I was still naturally aroused, that’s how God made us. But the downfall was I did not feel that I had an open enough relationship with my parents to ask them about it, so I wondered. I found porn one day along the road by our house and addiction was immediate.

Cause and  affect:

God made us as sexual beings, but for a purpose and for our spouse. However, our  body parts still work regardless of who or what is trying to start the engine if you will.  I have read case studies and have worked with some investigations where children as young as  six years old were addicted to porn and sexually active to some degree. The cause? Abuse of course. Someone started the engine before the car was fully  build and it took off from there.

So what is the outcome of early  childhood porn addiction. As you can imagine the list includes:

Ø  Early loss of virginity
Ø  Adolescent and teen pregnancy
Ø  Sexual diseases
Ø  Low self image and embarrassment  
Ø  Relationship issues as adults
Ø  Commitment issues
Ø  Sexual fear and insecurity  with a spouse

And the lists goes on and on.  The issue is not getting any better, in fact, it’s getting worse. Our society is more tolerant of sexual activity today than ever before and children have greater access to pornographic material today via internet through computer and smart phones. Without parental involvement and open lines of communication, children will continue to drown in guilt and lust as they damage a healthy sexual experience later in life.

The Question to you:

So I leave you with this question: What experience have you had with childhood pornography addiction. ?  Please leave a comment and let us know…

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Update Blog Format

In the coming weeks you will be seeing some changes to my format. I will be dedicating this blog space to blogs relevant to Christian living and everyday topics that affect Christians where they live. I will remain theologically sound, but this will not be a "preaching" platform, but rather a lively open discussion blog to share ideas and issues that affect Christians in and "everyday" way. We will talk about money, relationships, church leadership, business leadership, parenting, and many more topics. All through the lens of a Christian world view. Please share this blog site info with all your friends and repost on your social media groups. The larger network we build the more interaction we can have which will expand our views and topics.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Christians Have Lost Their Voice !

We as Christians are losing our voice. Why is that? It’s because we are not using it. 76% of Americans claim to be Christian, plus this nation was founded on Christian beliefs. But we are not standing up and taking charge of our Country.

 I’m not wanting a church government, but I’m wanting what every American wants, the freedom to worship as I please. I think we are still guaranteed that right.. But when judges are removed from the bench and marriage counselors are sued simply because they refuse to condone same sex couples, we are losing our voice.When the Ten Commandments are removed from a courthouse in Alabama, even over the protest of many to satisfy the few, we are losing our voice.When our schools refuse to teach anything about God or Jesus, but will gladly teach same sex unions, Muslim beliefs , abortion, and evolution, we are losing our voice.

When we allow the government to spend tax dollars on abortion, supply money to groups and projects that directly undermine Christian values, we have lost our voice. In fact our current President, voted in by a majority I might add, did not want to display the nativity scene in the white house as it has been for decades.  His reason, he didn’t want to offend anyone,  and this man leads our Country, leading to what is my concern.

When we don’t remove ungodly politicians from office we are losing our voice. I have heard Christians tell me that they do not vote. I cover that in detail in my posting Should Christians Vote. When we do not stand up for God and godly values then we have lost our voice.

The Bible tells us that if we deny him among men, He will deny us..

Ever heard the term, the squeaky wheel gets the oil , well every minority group in America is squeaking louder than us.

I’m not preaching a Christian radical message, I’m simply pointing out that our country, which was founded on sound doctrine, has lost its voice. If Christians would once again stand up for Biblical principals this Country would be far better off than it is now.

No Christian is a perfect being, and God gave each of us free will to live as we choose. But when that right interferes with any group, other than Christians, there is trouble. But let a Christian be removed from office, fired, sued or humiliated, There’s joy in the streets..

My summary is this. Stand up for God and Christian beliefs. Don’t set out to harm anyone. Love everyone and show Godly love in all situation. But do not compromise Christian values to please the wheel.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Ambition vs. Arrogance

This article is a reprint of an article by Pastor Steven Furtick.  I felt that it was an awesome article and I agree with it so much that I had to share.........

Steven  Furtick
Steven Furtick is the Lead Pastor of Elevation Church, an incredible move of God in Charlotte, NC with more than 9,000 in attendance each week among (soon-to-be) six locations. He is the author of the book, Sun Stand Still. He lives in Charlotte with his wife Holly and their three children, Elijah, Graham and Abbey.

Leadership Character: Ambition vs. Arrogance

Steven Furtick: "If you’re never accused of being arrogant, you’re [probably] not being ambitious enough."

There’s a word many Christians are afraid of. It’s almost a bad word. If you have it, many people assume it means you’re self-serving. Power hungry. But most of all, arrogant.

I’m talking about ambition.

It’s almost like if you want to excel at something or do big things with your life or organization, then you must have a God-complex. An all too elevated sense of self-importance.

There’s no denying that that’s definitely true in the case of some people. But I also fear that our fear of ambition is severely limiting other people who have been called to do great things for God. Why should we put a cap on their potential because some people can’t put a cap on their pride?

I’ve seen too many pastors settle for reaching hundreds when God called them to reach thousands. I’ve seen too many talented businessmen stop short of the impact God had called them to make on their field. All because they feared being thought of as ambitious.
So let’s clear this up once and for all: nowhere in the Bible is ambition condemned. Selfish ambition is definitely warned against. But ambition for the sake of God’s glory is not only condoned—it’s commended. It’s a required asset for anyone wanting to rise above the mass of men and do something extraordinary.

Ambition led Noah to build the ark. David to expand the borders of Israel. Solomon to build the Temple. Nehemiah to rebuild the walls. Paul to spread the gospel to the ends of the Earth.

I wonder if people accused them of being arrogant? Maybe. But then again, if you’re never accused of being arrogant, it’s probably a sign that you’re not being ambitious enough. You’re dreaming too small. Your goals are too easily attainable.
Let me free you: it’s OK to want to be the best at what you do. It’s OK to want to achieve as much as you can with your life for the sake of the God who gave it to you. I sincerely doubt God is going to look at you at the end of your life and say, “You did too much for me.” But I do sincerely believe that God is going to look at many people and say, “You were too 'humble' for your own good and the good of countless people you could have impacted if you'd had a little more ambition.”

Don’t let anyone ever tell you that ambition is synonymous with arrogance. Godly ambition is what God uses to do incredible things in our world.
If that makes you look arrogant, don’t back down from what God has called you to do. Instead, mourn for the people who are living so far beneath their potential that anything greater must be arrogance.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Fatherless Homes: Reasons and Impact.

So  where have all the daddies gone?   I have been working on some research for an article that I am writing about the loss of father’s in the home and what impact it has on the family.  I’m amazed by what I’ve found.  A large portion  of  children are fatherless in America today; two main reasons exists for this trend. First, the working American father is gone all the time to work and/or play, although he may technically been considered in the home, he is not engaged in his children’s lives.  This could be worse on the family than him actually not being in the home at all in some cases.

The second issue is the actual single mother home. This is an ever increasing trend among all races. However, African-American families experience this at a much higher rate than all other races combined.  Many experts agree that this is a factor in gang expansion. Young boys are looking for acceptance and validation from other men, or at least older boys.  

According to an article published by  The  11-09-2010.  72% of African-American children are born to unwed mothers.  They site many reasons for this, but the impact is the same.  Children of fatherless homes are much more at risk for  suicide, run away,  behavior disorders, and high school dropout, just to list a few.

But why is this occurring?  The number one reason is that the “family unit” is not looked on as important anymore.  We , as a society, have allowed the degradation of the family to get to a point where it’s seen as a negative rather than a positive. It’s looked upon as “old fashion” or to “evangelical” for today’s world. The increase in casual sex, gay marriage, and similar symptoms are adding to the problem.

I read a book  a couple years ago titled, “what if America were a Christian nation again”.  I have to agree.  Whether you are a Christian by faith or not, you must agree that the principles of family, love, mandates against sexual immorality,   service to a higher authority, as well the basic context of the ten commandments,  all make for a good society.  

The cure for the fatherless home is simply stated but not always simply implemented.   It is obvious that if America would put their values back into the Bible, as this nation was founded on, the problem would nearly disappear. But as l long as we continue to live against the Biblical foundations set forth for us to follow, the problem will only get worse.    

Friday, May 4, 2012

Pray for my pet...................Really?

I  received a phone call the other night from a friend of mine asking me to pray for his dog. He told me that she was in an  ICU unit of a large veterinarian clinic.  He went on to tell me how this little  dog had become such a huge part of his family since only he and his wife lived at home. He explain that since all the kids were  grown, he guessed she has just become another one of the  kids.

I joined him in praying for his dog and continued to remember her for several hours into the night. This got me to thinking.  Does God really honor our prayers for animals, and will our pets go to heaven when they die?   So like any good researcher  these days, I posed the question on facebook, “ will our pets go to Heaven” and  “will animals be in Heaven” . As you might imagine I received several comments.  

But before we explore pets in Heaven let’s consider this idea of praying for our pets and livestock. This too is a bit subjective.  God must value animals to a high degree, He made them before man.  God has given  us a command through the Proverbs in 12:10 to be kind to animals, saying a righteous man regards the life of his animal. 

So the question posed was; is it appropriate to pray for sick, hurting, or lost animals.  I’m going to say that it is. God has given man authority over every living thing and has instructed us how and why to pray. I believe that God is in the business of answering our prayers no matter how big or small.  As in all prayers, God may decide to allow life to proceed without His intervention, but without prayer He surely would not  intervene.   As in all things, prayer is the key to all successful outcomes.   

What farmer won’t pray over good crops, we accept that as okay prayer;  so why not a sick dog or a lost cat, or a declining milk cow.  If it is concerning for us, it is concerning to God.  So keep praying for your pets and animals. God will is sovereign and His will is always accomplished, but asking for favor is always allowed. 

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Regular Church Attendance

I know,  I know, going to church doesn’t  make you a Christian anymore than going into a garage makes you a car.  But if you have even the slightest desire to have a more rewarding life in Christ you must attend church regularly. Now I’m not saying you have to be there every time the doors are unlocked and stay until the last deacon runs you out, but you do need to attend regularly. At  least a couple times a week if your church offers it, if not find one that does, or attend two churches. What if I told you that you could only eat once a week, I think you’d fight me for it. So what makes you think being fed spiritually only once a week, or twice a month is any better for you?

Church attendance is Biblical and is for the edifying and strengthening of the body, just as food is to the fleshly body. We need to be fed the word of God on a regular diet for our spiritual body.  Church attendance also helps our walk stay on that narrow road by surrounding us with Godly people. 

Think about it this way, we are like those red hot coals in the fire pit. As long as we all stay together, we all stay hot. But take one out and set it aside and it will remain red hot for  a while, but then as time goes on it will fade and start to cool until it goes  luke warm, then cold. But pick that coal up and place it in the group of red hot coals and you will find in no time, its red hot and on fire once again.  That’s the importance of church attendance.

Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians;  bad company corrupts good character. The Bible also warns us not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers. So church attendance gets us around the right people, most of the time. Remember however, only sinners go to church, and all are on their  journey to righteousness, so yoke up with those who are well on their way .

I don’t say you should not have any friends outside of the Christian faith. If we separate ourselves completely, then we cannot be the salt and the light for the world. But having the people you spend the most time with be  like minded and of like faith, you will find it much easier to live  a  Godly life. Plus you should have a Christian accountability partner to help you on your journey.

Find a Bible based church if you are not already attending one and become involved. Your life will be richly blessed as you bless others and grow in your faith.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Are you a reader ?

Are you a reader?  I mean aside from blogs. Do you regularly read books of interest ?   I am what many would call a book nerd. Yet I’m not  a nerd at all, at least not in the since most would think of the definition. I learned, or most likely read, years ago the phrase; readers are leader, and leaders are readers - and I took it to heart.

Every year I set a goal to read a certain number of books over the next twelve months on specific  topics. Some may be in my area of vocation, some may be in a new areas of interest, and some may just be fiction.  But I read and I read a lot.  Of course I read my Bible every morning and spend time each night reading  books on my goal list.

I don’t decide in January exactly what books I will read, only that I will read a certain number of books in a specific category. The fun part is getting to look for that next great book.  I read with a pen and paper close by. I mark up the book, write down notes, and copy phrases to look into further. Most books, if they are any good at all, are so marked up when I’m done they probably wouldn’t be good for anyone else. 

If you are not an avid reader, let me exhort you to take a greater interest in this sport. You will be amazed at what you can learn and how it will help you in your career.  I have learned over the last  twenty-five years that the leaders are readers quote is true.  

Find some books of interest and get started, you will be richly blessed. 

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Spiritual Hoarding

I think we are all hoarders to some extent. Some of us call it “pack rats” but most of us save things that we think we may need later on. I’m a pretty organized person in most areas, but if you were to look in my garage I could probably be called a hoarder to some degree. But I just never know when, or if, I might need one of those valuable items.

Spiritual hoarding is just as bad or in most cases much worse than hoarding things. What do I mean by spiritual hoarding?  All too often we  want to hang on to past hurts, anger, pride, and  jealously. These feelings of the past just hang around and are pilled in one mental closet or another and serve no purpose but to clutter up our mind.

Too often we want to take out some of these treasures and re-visit them. We  re-live the pain and hurt that these  feelings caused. We roll it around in our minds and justify our feelings. Then after our pity party we stick them back in the closet and close the door.  We are so busy hanging on to our past hurts that we are hindered from growing in God. We want to complain about how horrible our childhood was and how angry we are with a parent or relative that we can’t see past the pain. We grumble and fuss, cry and complain, and rationalize  our hurt. Then we wonder why it seems that God never hears our prayers.

In many cases we are still angry at people who are dead and can’t right their wrong, but we stay angry anyway.  Or maybe that person just won’t right the wrong that they have caused.  We forget sometimes that God has forgiven us of a great debt; and yet we won’t forgive another.  We didn’t deserve to be forgiven,  but He did anyway.

Other times its jealousy or pride that is holding us back; we deserved that promotion, we should get more recognition than we do.  Hate and racisms is another weight that holds us down. Hate  only serves to eat you up from the inside out. Your hatred for another human being does no harm to them but will eventually  kill you;  both physically and spiritually.  

The weight of haughtiness and pride fills our minds with an unclear and most times, wrong view or ourselves.   Keep in mind that the Bible warns us that pride comes before the fall, and you will fall every time and very publicly. God lets us build our selves up so that it is easy for everyone to watch as we are knocked off our pedestal. 

Do some house cleaning today. Get rid of the junk you’re holding on to, give it to God and let Him deal with it. Free your mind of the clutter and grow.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Understanding Conflict Between Ministry Leaders

In the real world, not everything goes well, not everyone is happy, there is always bad news as well as good, troubled waters as well as smooth.Very few ministry leaders fail because of their inability to deal with success. Typically, failure in ministry results from an inability to deal with problems.Conflict  resolution within the church can be very difficult.  Some action, even if that is deliberate non action, must take place. 

Lets take a look at the 5 basic principles of conflict; 

1. Conflict is normal and not all conflict is  

Some conflict is creative and has real positive uses. Sometimes its just a matter of differing life styles or opinions. Resolved properly these can be very use full

2. Good conflict may deepen superficial relationships

Many times relationships are very shallow and people never get close enough to ever even have a conflict.  Very often when a disagreement occurs the relationship between the two parties deepen, because they have come to know each other better. 

3. Personal growth often occurs through dissonance

Dissonance simply means lack of agreement.   Growth often occurs because the social  turbulence causes people to look for  resolution there fore resulting in personal growth.

Within the body of Christ and among men and women of goodwill, conflict is common, not always bad, and can have positive outcomes.

Scripture offer many examples of conflict in the new testament


4. A model of advocacy may appear to be contention when it is not    
    really conflict

This can be an effective way to reach decisions.  If a group in a room brings together their own  passionate opinions and each expresses  them strongly. A disagreement can result.

But done correctly and in humility the end can result in a balanced and successfully outcome and decision.

5. There is a Biblical pattern for resolving conflict.

Matthew 18-15,16 gives a pattern for resolving conflict. 

 15 “Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother. 16 But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that ‘by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.’[a] 17 And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector.

Five Basic Causes of Conflict

1. Conflict is frequently because of  unmatched expectations

These can lead to disappointment which leads to loss of confidence, and can arise from misunderstandings.

A different set of expectations of a leader, program, style, etc is a certain recipe for conflict

2. Conflict is caused by the mounting number of buried hurts,  
    slights, and insults.

These hurts are often times collected up and saved. Burying feelings , disappointments, personal injuries, etc is  a  deadly illness in the church. It is very unhealthy to bury your hurts..

They will come out someday and in a big way.

Many times conflict between two people in the church is from a gradual buildup of hurt and disappointment

3. A major cause of conflict is unexpressed fears.   (and jealousy)

People may find themselves resisting others because of fears that may have never been expressed.

It is easy to become paranoid in the church. It is easy to be fearful about what might happen in situations involving other Christians.

If these fears are never expressed, they can never be countered, they can never be checked out, so they can never be resolved.

4. Competition for limited resources can cause conflict.

There is never enough money, time or attention in the work of the church. 

Church leaders are many times placed in a situation where there is competition for your time and attention.

The leader must respond by constantly reassuring people in an atmosphere of fairness so that conflict won’t occur

If someone gets the feeling that they  are not valued as highly as someone else, conflict will occur

5. Conflict escalates in a hostile and failing environment.

A psychological study shows that if people or animals are put in situations in which pain is delivered and discomfort is created, individuals or animals will always  turn on each  and start fighting

So basically when things are not going well they just get worse. Conflict will occur and resolve must be obtained.  In a hostile environment people will lash out even when they are not meaning it personally or have any real reason for doing so.

Understanding what causes conflict will help us as leaders to understand how to deal with the problem and what if anything needs to be done at the time. Next time I will ocer how to handle conflict between ministry leaders..

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Faith Without Works is Dead

Faith Without Works is Dead

Faith without works is like a bird without wings; though she may hop around with her companions on earth, yet she will never fly with them to heaven.     Francis  Beaumont 

The last topic we discussed on living  a fulfilled Christian life was tithing on your income.  You are  called to tithe the first fruits of everything and that includes your time .  I know that the world today is a twenty six  hour day on a twenty four hour clock. No one has time  for anything.  Just how could we live without texting, email, and the microwave?  Ask your Grandmother, she did it just fine. I know we are all very busy. Life today demands it in most professions, not to mention  raising a family, church, and social events.

James tells us in  James chapter two starting in verse fourteen and following that faith without works is dead.  I understand that our salvation is not based on works and that we cannot work our way into Heaven by the good things  we do. But if we have faith in Christ and do not work for the Kingdom of God, are we really disciples of Christ?

James continues to say that he will show his faith by his works, he goes on to say that it is good that we say we know God, but that even demons know God and tremble at His name. But if we say we have faith and do not have works, our faith is dead faith .

So what are the works James is referring to in this text?  Well one example he gives is;  if  a brother or sister is naked and hungry  and you simply pray for them and tell them to depart in peace, be warm and filled, but you do not give them what they are in need of , what has been accomplished?

As Christians wishing to live a successful and fulfilled life we must become involved in the work of the local church. This does not necessarily mean teaching or even being seen in the light.  Churches by their very nature are organizations that require people to become involved in every level to ensure that they are successful. That may mean helping out on a work day, being on the kitchen fellowship committee, helping in the food bank or homeless shelter, or being an usher or greeter. Everything you do to show the love of Christ is Christian works.

Sitting in the pew and sneaking home at the   altar call will not make for a fulfilled life. God wants you to become involved, become intentional about living a Godly life. Stop for just a moment  and think about something that you are good at, that is the gift that God gave you,  how can you use that gift to bless others and show the love of Christ ?

Are you a carpenter ? I bet a few older people in the church could use a blessing of some home repairs that they cannot afford to pay for. How about an auto mechanic ? You are always hearing of people with car trouble that they can’t afford the labor rates to have it fixed, the elderly, single parents, those on fixed incomes. Anything you do in the name of Jesus is a blessing to others.  If you’re a stay at home mom maybe you have time to help someone clean their house, or maybe cook dinner once a week for an older couple.

God can use you to bless others if you will only take the time to find out where you can be used.  Being used for good works and as a blessing to others,  is essential in striving for a fulfilled Christian life.  I have been told many stories where someone has set out to be a blessing in someone’s life and in return they themselves were blessed.

I read somewhere that Bible study alone will make carnal Christians, and it will not produce spirituality.   It went on to explain that study without service produces Christians with judgmental attitudes and spiritual pride. 

That’s the same reason a closed in pond will go stagnant. Water comes in, but none ever goes out. Without the outpouring of your faith through missions, evangelism, or ministry, your faith will go stagnant.

Remember, faith without works is dead faith.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year; Resolve not Resolutions

As our New Year has gotten under way I wanted to speak for just a moment on the old practice of New Year Resolutions.  You know the ones, we are going to lose 20 pounds, spend more time with family, pay off that credit card once and for all.  But in most cases we have all but forgotten our plans by March.

It’s an industry fact that gyms and sports clubs make a large percentage of their membership income in the first two months of the year and then by summer are not spending any  extra money on staff because the majority of the new members have never shown back up.

I suggest that rather than making resolutions, that we make resolve.  Make a commitment.  In the book of Philippians, Paul tells us that he is pushing toward the goals ahead.  That is what I mean. Push toward your goals. The best way to accomplish this is to set your plans in God’s will and for His glory.

Let me give you an example. If you want to lose that next 20 pounds, make a commitment to God to lose the weight for a God honoring purpose and for His glory through testimony.   Paying off your credit card will make you a better steward of your money so that you will have more for missions and work in the local church.

You see, making a resolve to do something is setting your mind on that idea with purpose and stubborn to the cause. Further, making the commitment to God is binding and is a strong motivator.  I don’t want to purposely lie to God, do you?

Finally find an accountability partner. Someone you trust   that you will agree can hold you to your goal. It is always better to put someone over you in reaching for your goals. 

Finally,  pray. In everything you do, pray. If you will pray and let God lead your path you will accomplish great things. Remember that in all you do, do it for the glory and honor of the Lord. Anything else is just selfish ambition